Guifi Africa is supported by Guifi .net parent organisation[spain] and developed by professionals, both workers and volunteers, in collaboration to provide telecommunication services to the unconnected rural areas of Africa starting from Ghana.
Guifi Africa/Ghana work team represent the project with third parties or stakeholders for the achievement of the project purposes.
The employees can establish a paid or professional relationship with GuifI Africa, provided they are articulated by means of a contract that clearly determines the work or professional tasks that were paid
President[Africa Region]
Vice President[Africa Region]
Technical Officer [Africa Region]
Technical Officer [Africa Region]
Administrative (spain)
Developer (Spain)
Legal (Spain)
Guifi Africa is working to build a sustainable and proximity alternatives, with innovative technological solutions that favor access to the Internet without discrimination.
P.O.Box AC 38 ,Accra Arts Centre,Ghana,West Africa
Ghana-00233 55 554 7348 Ghana-00233 24 701 6944
UK -00447946 388891
Interested in making your services and facilities available to make the Internet accessible to all?